Monthly Archives: March 2015

Sew With Me! DIY Quilted Bag & Giveaway!


The Frugal Crafter Blog

Hi Friends! I had this idea floating around in my head since I heard about a method of quilting called “quilt as you go” or Fun and Done”, Fun and done sounds like my speed, doesn’t it? Well my mom (who is a way better quilter/seamstress than me) explained the basic technique. I wanted to try it on a small project so I designed this cute reversible bag:


I made the bag to fit my EasyLunchboxes, I love these bento style boxes for packing lunches for myself and my family, often I portion leftovers from supper right in them along with fruit and snacks so I have a bunch of premade lunches the next day for anyone who needs them. I made my bag big enough to hold 4 because I like to take my kids to the beach, park or pool for the day and it is the…

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